Roadtrip 2014: Vancouver - Yakima - Boise - Provo - Flagstaff - Tucson - Palm Springs - Paso Robles - Sacramento - Eureka - Bandon - Seaside - Vancouver

Day 33 - Tucson Districts: Pie Allen and Warehouse Arts

Gee, so far everyone we've met in Pie Allen has been real nice.

Wenches, witches - what gives??

The World Famous Surly Head of Pie Allen.

Saturday Cruisin'.

EXO Coffee Roasters has just pulled the best coffee of the trip.

EXO's roasting gear is right out in the action.

..... and not a wind warning in sight.

Afternoon rush to the DQ.





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all images and text on this website
copyright 2014
Russel Kwan and Wendy Kwan
Vancouver BC Canada











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